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Degree Audit Instructions

Need help deciding what to take next semester? Want to know how many classes you have left to graduate? Considering a change of major? Let CougarCompass point you in the right direction.  

Watch a video on how to run your CougarCompass Degree Audit.

You can also follow the steps below or click HERE to download printer friendly instructions.

  1. Go to
  2. Log into CougarWeb
  3. On the CougarWeb home page, under "Student Quick Links", choose "CougarCompass Degree Audit."
  4. On the Request an Audit page, there are 2 options – “Run Declared Program” and “Select a What-if.”
    • Look under the “Run Declared Program” section, and determine if it is the degree you want to audit. If yes, follow step 5.
    • If you would like to see requirements for a degree other than your declared degree, choose the option “Select a What-if.
      • Choose the program you would like to view. For catalog year, choose the current semester (e.g. Fall 2020). Then, follow step 5.
  5. Click “View Audit” to retrieve your degree audit.
  6. Click the arrow “Open All Sections” to view the courses required in each area.